Inspiration (Broad Spectrum)

Videos and InterWebs Stuff That May Inspire

Thanks to those who make these resources available!

Thupten Ginpa offers a “Yes!” to the Question: “Does [true] altruism exist?” and continues that “while mindfulness requires cultivation, compassion is natural.” (My paraphrasing…)  On compassion and altruism from another domain and perspective, see also Field Notes on the Compassionate Life.

website and documentary movie (Amazon Prime? etc.): Barbara Marx Hubbard – her documentary – Why? Contemporary voice of hope that affirms the beauty of aging and a realistic yet positive and constructive perspective on changing gender roles (youtube video clip trailer here below).  A real look at her life and work.

The movie itself reminds me of some Ram Dass talks on Conscious Aging.

youtube: Dalai Lama‘s Guide to Happiness — I like: “… same body … new person …” and the “[… the gas problem …]”

Buzz Words: Compassion.  Warm-heartedness.  Affection.  Closeness.

Other Dalai Lama Video Links:

Dalai Lama speaks on Inner Peace, Inner Values & Mental States — I like the moment when the mic goes out and the relationship with his interpreter (Thupten Jinpa!).  Maybe a point or two don’t really work for me in the context of my/our tendencies for interpretation in our culture (e.g. tendency toward guilt and shame), but the general sense I very much appreciate.  Friendly and blunt.  Great approach.

Nature of the Mind (Dalai Lama at UC SB) with Thupten Jinpa — The starting point embedded in the link here, somewhere around minute 37 and 38, very interesting concept that (in my paraphrasing here) the non-virtuous/destructive states of mind can only exist or operate up to a particular level of gross (coarse, dense) mind, and beyond that, in the subtle realms, these thoughts or mind states cannot exist.  Aha.  I imagine I’m taking this a bit too loosely, nonetheless: Anyone whose felt the lift in clarity and expansiveness of perspective after a yoga class or body work session or walk in nature, I think, feels this in some quiet way quite directly.

youtube: Thupten Jinpa – several videos out there where he promotes the practical application of compassion and the Buddhist contemplative techniques to the realities of navigating relationships.  Refreshing and Very Useful.

How the Courage to Be Compassionate Can Transform Our Lives with Thupten Jinpa, Ph.D.

youtube: Alan Watts via Word Porn@YouTube – Mid-Century Western reflections on Eastern perspectives. Always fun.

This is why you’re not Happy | Alan Watts